Thursday, December 9, 2010

WikiLeaks A Battle Not The War Editorial Cartoons

WikiLeaks is a battle and not the war. Fought over information, it's an ageless war between those with power and those without. Clearly those charlatans masquerading as statesmen and the clowns dressed as legislators in the Washington Circus would dearly love to put the boots to those who expose them. WikiLeaks contained little new about our widely mistrusted misleaders and the damage has been limited to a few bruised egos and some ruffled feathers on some exotic birds. The Leaks aren't news for who didn't know that that Italian was a philandering buffoon,that the Afghanistan crowd rivals the South Vietnamese in corruption and varied venality's, or that we are extending to Pakistan the same largess we gave to Cambodia and have every reason to think a Khmer Rouge will prevail in Pakistan. Of course Putin rose to become Czar of the Russian Thugocracy from the bloody cellars of the Lubyanka and remains murderous to this day. As for all those whose trust in Saudi Arabia's honesty was shattered by the leaks, oh well. Aside from possibly reducing catty remarks at diplomatic cocktail parties the Leaks will have no discernible effect in 6 months, except for one thing.They have provided a great service to those in public disservice. It is the monkeys in The Washington Circus who will benefit from the leaks by way of new laws to shield their incompetence and or corruption. the public loses another battle in the war for the information it needs to govern the Republic.

It couldn't come as a surprise to Julian Assange that the US would eventually get a piece of him for pulling down its diaper. What is surprising is that Assange hasn't had a fatal accident to date, but it seems his enemies are willing to settle for accusations of sex charges unless he is proven innocent at which time they will go to plan B. To their chagrin none of the fatalities that were predicted to follow the Leaks have happened nor were nay patrols ambushed in any of our various wars. That changed when Assange was ambushed and he could well prove to be the only fatality resulting from the Leaks. He has surely been long aware that there are no limits to what the US will do and has prepared his last words with the certainty that the US would provide a platform. See below

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